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Planning permission applications

Find information about planning permission for householder applications, and advertisement applications, or see our planning application forms and guidance.

You searched for planning

Results 251 – 260 of about 541.

  • Sustainable design and construction

    Sustainable Design and Construction Interim Planning Statement.
  • Planning and Development Services Privacy Notice

    Privacy notice for the Planning and Development service area.
  • Snapshot of progress on the Council Plan

    Our snapshot of progress regularly provides details of our activity as we work to deliver the Council Plan and to achieve our vision of a heathier, fairer, more affordable, more sustainable, and more accessible city where everyone feels valued.
  • Brownfield Land Register

    We maintain a register of previously developed (brownfield) land in accordance with the Town and Country Planning (Brownfield Land Register) Regulations 2017.
  • Brownfield Land Register

    We maintain a register of previously developed (brownfield) land in accordance with the Town and Country Planning (Brownfield Land Register) Regulations 2017.
  • Homelessness Strategy

    Our Homelessness Strategy and action plan 'Preventing homelessness together Strategy 2018 to 2023' sets out what needs to be done to prevent and address homelessness in York over the 5 year period from 2018 to 2023.
  • Other planning guidance

    When planning a development you should also consider: Air quality, archaeology, land contamination, flood risk, listed buildings.
  • Major developments in Castle Gateway
  • York Hungry Minds
  • Major developments at the former British Sugar Factory and Manor School