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Planning permission applications

Find information about planning permission for householder applications, and advertisement applications, or see our planning application forms and guidance.

You searched for planning guidance

Results 121 – 130 of about 580.

  • House extensions and alterations SPD

    House Extensions, Supplementary Planning Document, Planning Advice, Planning Guidance, Local Plan, Planning Consent, Planning Permission, House Alterations
  • Complying with planning conditions

    We have procedures for dealing with requests to 'discharge conditions imposed on planning approvals', and for requests which ask whether such conditions were met (including requests from solicitors or prospective buyers).
  • Local plan examination library: City of York Council documents 2018 to 2022

    Documents relating to the York Local Plan Examination by an independent inspector.
  • Local Development Framework

    The Local Development Framework (LDF) is the name given to development plans introduced by the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.
  • How planning decisions are made

    We make decisions about planning applications in 2 ways: using powers delegated by councillors and in planning committee meetings
  • Financial assessments
  • Micklegate Neighbourhood Plan

    Information regarding the preparation of the Micklegate Neighbourhood Plan.
  • Micklegate Neighbourhood Plan

    Information regarding the preparation of the Micklegate Neighbourhood Plan.
  • Transport Asset Management Plan

    Read our Transport Asset Management Plan.
  • PMM 01: ST15 (Policies Map South) - Local Plan Consultation 2023

    A comparison map from the Local Plan Consultation 2023: Proposed Main Modifications.