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Planning permission applications

Find information about planning permission for householder applications, and advertisement applications, or see our planning application forms and guidance.

You searched for planning guidance

Results 221 – 230 of about 580.

  • Household emergency plans

    Information on how to create a household emergency plan.
  • Neighbourhood planning

    Government rules give local communities powers to create their own plans and policies.... Download 'A step by step guide to producing a Neighbourhood Plan' to see how your community can get involved.
  • Preparations for the New Local Plan

    We're developing a new Local Plan in line with the publication of the National Planning Policy Framework (2012), this will eventually replace the version we're currently using.
  • Preparations for the New Local Plan

    We're developing a new Local Plan in line with the publication of the National Planning Policy Framework (2012), this will eventually replace the version we're currently using.
  • Preparations for the New Local Plan

    We're developing a new Local Plan in line with the publication of the National Planning Policy Framework (2012), this will eventually replace the version we're currently using.
  • Make changes to planning applications

    You can apply to establish whether or not changes to existing planning permission are 'non material' and therefore do not the need a new planning application.
  • Neighbourhood Planning Privacy Notice

    Privacy Notice for Neighbourhood Planning.
  • Emergency planning advice for householders and private landlords
  • Planning restrictions for Heslington

    This means that certain alterations to houses in this area will need to have planning permission.
  • Solar panels guidance

    In many circumstances, solar panels fixed to the wall or roof of a house or block of flats are classed as 'permitted development' and do not require planning permission.