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Waste collection dates

Find information about waste collection dates for rubbish, recycling and garden waste.

See details of missed waste collections and when we will return for missed collections

You searched for rubbish collection

You could also try: refuse , waste

Results 21 – 30 of about 116.

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  • House to house collections

    If you wish to collect money or items such as clothing or textiles for a charitable purpose by going house to house or from pubs, offices or factories, you need to apply for a house to house collection licence
  • Waste and recycling standards

    Our waste and recycling standards explain our commitment to recycling and what we're doing to minimise the effect of waste on the environment.
  • Waste and recycling standards

    Our waste and recycling standards explain our commitment to recycling and what we're doing to minimise the effect of waste on the environment.
  • Towthorpe and Strensall Household Waste Recycling Centre

    Information regarding Towthorpe and Strensall Household Waste Recycling Centre.
  • Replacement waste containers

    Order and pay for new or replacement waste containers, including wheeled bins, garden bins and recycling boxes.... Find out the cost of replacement waste containers.
  • Students end of term clear out

    We can help students manage the extra rubbish the end of term move can generate.
  • Fixed Penalty Notices for littering
  • Crime not to care

    CrimeNotToCare is a campaign to highlight the correct way to dispose of household rubbish; we're aiming to reduce the amount of household waste that is fly-tipped by rogue traders who take waste away and dump it.
  • Date changes for some Christmas waste and recycling collections

    Waste and recycling collection dates in York will be changing for some households over the Christmas and New Year period.
  • Dog waste and litter bins

    Report problems with litter bins and dog waste bins to help us to keep your local area clean and tidy.