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Travel and transport

Badger Hill People Streets consultation

We're proposing the installation of improvements to walking and cycling routes in the vicinity of Badger Hill Primary School.

Proposed improvements include:

  • improved safety and formalisation at crossing points
  • reduction of unsafe parking
  • reduction of vehicular impact on pedestrians and cyclists

This is in response to identified concerns regarding the safety of crossing points, and the impact of vehicles on pedestrians and cyclists.

The Badger Hill People Streets consultation was held in November 2023, and is now closed. Your feedback will be analysed to inform decisions about this scheme at a future Executive Member Decision Session, and we'll update this page with any outcomes.

Badger Hill people Streets area

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The areas in which improvements are proposed are marked in red on the map, and include the following streets:

  • Crossways
  • Deramore Drive West
  • Sussex Road
  • Junction of Sussex Road and Field Lane

This scheme is part of the government’s Active Travel Programme, shaping the future of walking, cycling and active travel in York.

Also see

Active Travel

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