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We make sure taxis and private hire vehicles in York operate in a safe and professional manner; licensed drivers, vehicles and operators must pass stringent tests to meet Ministry of Transport (MOT) standards, comply with licensing conditions and provide passenger comfort.

Information for drivers and operators

Read an introduction to hackney carriage and private hire vehicle licences and details of how to become a taxi driver, alongside information on taxi licence fees.

Read more about:

Parking icon - car silhouette in a curved frame

Our taxi ranks directory has details of all taxi (Hackney Carriage) rank locations, hours of operation, number of spaces and further information.

Taxi ranks directory
Taxi Times Newsletter logo - black cab car silhouette above the words 'Taxi Times' shown in capitals

Our Taxi Times newsletter for drivers and operators of taxis and private hire vehicles, provides updates on licence conditions, legislation, policy and enforcement.

Read Taxi Times newsletter.

Information for passengers

You can 'flag down' or 'hail' a Hackney carriage or taxi (by waving your hand or boarding at a taxi rank), but not a private hire vehicle, which must be pre-booked. Find out more about:

Taxi Licensing Team

Eco Depot, Hazel Court, York, YO10 3DS

Telephone: 01904 552422