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People and communities

Guildhall Ward

Guildhall Ward profile, priorities and budget

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Guildhall Ward profile

The Guildhall Ward profile contains statistical information about the area and is updated regularly.

Consultations and engagement with residents take place in a variety of ways, for example, at ward committee meetings and team meetings. These forums also involve decisions on funding in order to allocate the ward budget in response to local needs and priorities.

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Guildhall Ward priorities

Based on feedback from residents, local data, and the ward team; ward councillors have set the following current ward priorities:

  • improving community safety by combatting Anti-Social Behaviour and crime through community interventions
  • improve our local environment, its bio-diversity and Air Quality, and reducing Guildhall’s carbon footprint
  • provide support to families and young people aged 0 to 25
  • reduce isolation and promote community cohesion

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Guildhall Ward budget

Each ward has a budget to spend on local priorities.

For 2024 to 2025 the ward budget allocation is as follows:

  • £17,731 - ward revenue funding

To find out what has been spent so far, see decisions on funding. You can find out more at your annual ward committee meetings or by contacting your Community Officer.

Consultations and decisions on funding happen at ward committee meetings and through surveys and councillor surgeries.

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Shiona Marsh

Community Officer

West Offices, Station Rise, York, YO1 6GA

Telephone: 07923 232519