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Your council

Webcasts of Licensing and Gambling Hearing

Watch webcasts on our YouTube channel of our public meetings to see how decisions are made. You can also access related agendas and minutes.

Our aim is to promote openness and accountability, and to support greater participation in local democracy.

Latest webcast

AGENDA (To view individual agenda items click on the links below)

  1. Chair 00:15:14
  2. Introductions 00:15:37
  3. Declarations of Interest 00:16:21
  4. Exclusion of Press and Public 00:16:30
  5. Minutes 00:16:46
  6. The Determination of an Application by Café Frango (Haxby Road) Ltd for Determination of Application for Premises Licence [Section 18(3) (a)] in respect of Café Frango, The Pavilion at the Cocoa Works, Haxby Road, York, YO31 8TA. 00:17:02

N.B. Parts of the image of the video have been blurred out to avoid confidential information being inadvertently disclosed.

8 August 2024

Full agenda, attendance details and supporting documents

4 June 2024

30 May 2024

13 May 2024 (Adjourned)

15 April 2024

12 February 2024

23 November 2023

2 November 2023

11 September 2023

8 August 2023

24 July 2023

19 July 2023

22 June 2023

12 June 2023


Also see


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