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Speed limits application form

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Speed limits application form

Use this form to request an assessment if you would like a speed limit in York to be lowered, raised or extended.

There is no cost for requesting an assessment.

This form will initiate an investigation. We cannot guarantee that your request will eventually be implemented.

If, after consideration and consultation, a change is agreed, a new Speed Limit Order has to be made and funding secured. The statutory legal process to implement or change an Order takes between 6 and 9 months.

You will need to prepare the following in support of your request:

  • a plan or sketch of the proposed location where speed limits are required - which you must upload as part of your application
  • a brief statement of your reasons for requesting speed limit changes - which you can 'copy and paste' into your application

View the Road and footpath closures, parking suspensions, and changes to speed limits Privacy Notice.

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