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Streets, roads and pavements

City centre access for vehicles

Dropping off and picking up Blue Badge passengers

When accessing the footstreets between 10.30am and 5.00pm, please ensure you have your Blue Badge with you.

If you are being dropped off, the barrier officer will ask the driver if they are a friend, taxi or private hire vehicle.

To ensure you can be picked up, the barrier officer will ask you for:

  • your name
  • a rough time that you are expecting to be picked up

Once you have been dropped off, the driver must approach the exit barriers and wait for them to open, or they can go to the intercom and asked to be let out.

On collection, the driver picking you up must approach the entrance barrier and inform the barrier officer that they are picking you up. 

In order to be able to gain entry they will be asked to provide:

  • your name
  • the approximate pick-up time

Once the barrier officer has successfully checked the details your driver will be allowed through the barriers. They will ask the CCTV Team to open the exit barriers when you leave

Being dropped off or picked up - by taxi

When accessing the footstreets between 10.30am and 5.00pm, please ensure you have your Blue Badge with you.

Your taxi will drive up to the entrance barriers where they will be approached by the barrier officer who will ask you for your Blue Badge.

The barrier officer will:

  • ask you to confirm the name on your Blue Badge
  • check the photograph on your Blue Badge
  • check that your Blue Badge is in date

If you have pre-booked a taxi to collect you the barrier officer will:

  • ask you the name of the taxi firm
  • ask you the pick-up time
  • ensure that the taxi firm have your name

If you haven’t pre-booked your taxi you will need to:

  • give the taxi company your name - they must record this
  • tell them you are a Blue Badge holder and agree a pick-up point
  • confirm that you have told the barrier officer that you are being picked up by a taxi, the time and the collection location

If you do not tell the barrier officer the above information, the taxi will not be allowed in.

On collection, the taxi driver picking you up must approach the entrance barrier and inform the barrier officer that they are picking you up. 

In order to be able to gain entry the taxi staff will be asked to provide:

  • your name
  • the approximate pick-up time
  • the pick-up location, along the allowed route

The barrier officer will check their records and, if all is correct, open the barriers.

The barrier officer will inform the CCTV Team, so they will open the exit barriers when you leave.

Having a driver waiting

You must tell the barrier officer if your driver will wait for you whilst you are visiting the city centre.

  • the driver can park on single or double yellow lines for up to 3 hours
  • the driver must not block the road, use loading bays or block dropped kerbs, ramps or raised footways
  • you will need to leave your Blue Badge in the driver’s car window.

When you exit, please wait at the exit barriers and the CCTV Team will let you out.

Also see

Highway Regulation Team

West Offices, Station Rise, York, YO1 6GA

Telephone: 01904 551550

Blue Badge Team

West Offices, Station Rise, York YO1 6GA

Telephone: 01904 552522

City Centre Access - access for vehicles