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With a YOzone card young people under 18 years old can travel on most buses within the York area at a reduced cost, compared to standard fares and passes; simply show your YOzone card to the bus driver each time you buy or use a child or young person's ticket or pass.

Find out about:

YOzone 11-16

The YOzone 11-16 card is available for free to any young person aged 11 to 16 years, who lives or studies in the City of York Council area.

YOzone 11-16 cards are valid until 31 August after your 16th birthday.

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YOzone 16-18

The YOzone 16-18 card is available for free to any young person aged 16 to 18 years, who lives or studies in the City of York Council area.

Apply for you YOzone 16-18 card during August, when you've completed Year 11 of school, and as soon as you know which school or college you'll be attending in Year 12.

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Get a YOzone card

Apply online for a YOzone card, or to renew or update your existing card.

Apply for a YOzone card

Alternatively, contact the Bus Passes Team to request a postal application form, or find out how to request services in an accessible format.

To complete an online application for a YOzone card, you'll need to:

  • create an account in our travel pass portal
  • provide a digital photograph (either from files stored on your device, or using the camera on your device) - get GOV.UK information about digital ID photographs
  • provide a digital copy of your passport or birth certificate, as proof of your age (either from files stored on your device, or using the camera on your device)
  • check you have access to, or have prepared documents before starting the online form

Please allow 10 working days for your application to be processed.

We'll send your YOzone card to your address, by post.

You'll need to pay for travel until you receive your YOzone card.

Please note: we are under a duty to protect the public funds we administer. By completing a YOzone application, you give permission for us to use the information you provide for the improvement of financial management and the prevention and detection of fraud. We may also share information with other bodies administering public funds solely for these purposes. When you complete a YOzone application we'll verify your details against the current student roll. Please read the Concessionary Bus Passes Privacy Notice.

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Replace your YOzone card

If you've lost your YOzone card, order and pay £12.50 for a replacement by telephoning us; contact the Bus Passes Team.

Stolen cards are replaced free of charge if you provide a valid police reference number.

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Also see


Bus Passes

West Offices, Station Rise, York, YO1 6GA

Telephone: 01904 551670

Concessionary bus pass appointments

Please telephone: 01904 551670 to make an in-person appointment at West Offices, for support and advice relating to bus passes.

Make an appointment
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Concessionary travel

Young people, older people, disabled people and blind people can get reduced bus travel costs with a bus pass or YOzone card.

Travel passes portal