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Streets, roads and pavements

What's happening now with Acomb Front Street

Front Street is an important high street in Acomb, York. It plays a vital role in the community and the wider city and is home to many established and well-loved local independent retailers and community spaces.

There has been a long-standing desire to undertake place making improvements to enhance the economic growth of this shopping area.

In recent years, funding has been received from central government to enhance, develop and support a more resilient high street in Acomb.

Acomb Front Street project updates

Progress updates

Traffic enforcement officers continue to patrol Front Street, York Road and Cross Street to enforce the blue badge parking spaces and to reinforce the parking, loading and unloading restrictions when the traffic gate reopens at 4.00pm. These times and permissions remain the same as the previous arrangement, where parking is permitted after 6.00pm only.

Work has commenced to install new seating, planters, welcome signs and a community noticeboard, with a few more pieces yet to come.

Thank you to the volunteers from Greater Acomb Community Forum who spent three chilly days planting the new containers in Front Street and will look after the plants long term.

What’s happening next

‘Art of Protest’ will be running a series of open consultation events between 27 January and 4 February to shape the community gateway mural and to refurbish eight wooden street benches. Please see Eventbrite for full details of dates, times and venues, and to sign up to take part.

  • creative spray paint workshops - where participants will learn more about street art plus take their own piece of art home, and inspire the design brief for the mural (27 and 28 January, 3 February)
  • paint-a-pot workshops - an opportunity to chat about what you want to see on the benches, learn about local plants and trees as well as decorate your own plant pot to take away a seedling or plant (29 and 31 January)
  • open drop-in sessions with everyone welcome to ask questions and learn more about street art and local plants (30 January, 1 and 4 February) 
  • Street Art Academy focused on skills development and capacity building delivered in partnership with The Place (15 and 17 February). A talent development opportunity will become available for three participants (from different age groups) to shadow the creation of the mural

Works to resurface the Blue Badge parking at School Street and to install a new pedestrian crossing near Morrisons roundabout will be undertaken in January. 

Also see

Regeneration Team - Acomb Front Street

West Offices, Station Rise, York, YO1 6GA