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Apply for a premises licence

If you want to supply alcohol or provide regulated entertainment on your premises, then you need a premises licence.

Please refer to the additional guidance notes to help complete your application. Then download and complete the premises licence application form and return to us.

You must send the following with your application form:

See where to send application forms for further information.

Advertising your application

A pale blue notice of application must be displayed on your premises for the full 28 day application period.

A press notice must also be advertised within 10 working days of the application submission. The accepted publications for the York area are 'The Press' or 'The Yorkshire Post'.

A delay or error in publishing your application may deem the application invalid. A press pro forma can be used as a guide to the requirements of the notice.

Tacit consent

'Tacit consent' rules apply if no relevant representations are made during the 28 day notice period. The application will be deemed granted after the last date for representation.

If relevant representation is made within the notice period, 'tacit consent' does not apply - in this case, a public hearing of the Licensing Sub-Committee must be held to determine the application. The hearing will be held within 20 working days after the last date for representation. The hearing date may be extended if it is considered to be in the public interest to do so.

You will hear from us at the end of the 28 day representation period.

Other related application forms

You will need a provisional statement application form to apply for a provisional premises licence when premises are being built (or altered/extended).

Also see

Licensing Services

Eco Depot, Hazel Court, York, YO10 3DS

Telephone: 01904 552422

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