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Parking and permits

Help with Blue Badge applications

People who are eligible for a Blue Badge can park closer to shops, restaurants and other places they want to visit.

Blue Badges are available on a number of grounds, irrespective of whether the badge holder is travelling as a driver or as a passenger. See details of eligibility for:

Apply for or renew a blue badge online

This is the quickest and easiest way to apply because:

  • you'll be guided through each step to ensure your application is completed correctly
  • you can use your smartphone, tablet or laptop
  • you can upload scans or photographs of your documents
  • you can pay by credit or debit card, allowing us to process your application quickly

Get help with your Blue Badge Application

If you're having difficulty completing your online Blue Badge application, you can:

  • ask someone to help you
  • make an appointment to visit West Offices to use one of our self-serve PCs

Blue Badge appointments at West Offices

Visit West Offices to use a self-serve PC to complete your online application for a Blue Badge if you don't have access to the internet.

You'll need to make an appointment to:

  • have your photograph taken
  • get help with your application and/or uploading documents

Blue Badge application appointments:

  • last 45 minutes
  • are available Monday to Friday
  • are bookable by telephone: 01904 551550

Blue Badge applications by post

You should make your application for a Blue Badge online as it's the quickest and cheapest way to apply.

However, if you're unable to complete an online application, our Blue Badge Team can provide you with a postal application (in exceptional circumstances).

Also see

Blue Badge Team

West Offices, Station Rise, York YO1 6GA

Telephone: 01904 552522