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Travel and transport

Bus Service Improvement Plan Consultation

Whether you're a regular bus user or haven't been on one for years, we're keen to know what you think of buses in York. For example, is information about buses accessible to you? Do you know where to find out about routes and recent improvements to the network?

This consultation is part of York's Bus Service Improvement Plan, which we’re working on with all 7 bus operators. One of the aims of this programme is to encourage residents to make a lasting behaviour change, and where possible use the bus network more.

We're working with our partner, Brightsparks Agency, to collate views and journey habits from the community. To help us to achieve this, we're inviting you to participate in this survey. Your cooperation in completing the survey is appreciated.

Bus Service Improvement Plan Consultation Online Survey

Let us know your views and assist us in reviewing specific areas of York's Bus Service Improvement Plan.

The survey should take around 15 minutes to complete.

Take part in the Bus Service Improvement Plan Consultation

The consultation opens on Wednesday 10 July and closes on Wednesday 24 July at 12.00pm.

After completing the consultation, you'll have the opportunity to register your interest to participate in one of our in-person focus groups which are being held in August. Spaces are limited and those who are successful with their registration will be contacted by Brightsparks Agency with further information.

Everyone who attends a focus group will be given a £25 voucher for their time.

Alternative formats

If you require this document in an alternative format email: or telephone: 01904 551550.

You can also use our BSL Video Relay Service - select 'Switchboard' from the menu.

Paper copies of the consultation are also available at York’s Explore centres and libraries, as well as available at our Customer Service desk, West Offices, Station Rise, York YO1 6GA

Prize draw

There will be an option to enter our prize draw to win one of 5 £25 high-street vouchers. 5 respondents will be chosen at random from the online and paper entries, and winners will be notified no longer than 30 working days after the consultation deadline.

They will be contacted using the details provided at the beginning of this consultation. All questions must be answered to successfully enter the prize draw.

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