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Your council

Raise a comment, compliment, complaint or concern

Our Corporate Governance Team deal with your comments, compliments, complaints and concerns - known as 'the 4Cs'.

Raise a comment, compliment, complaint or concern

Alternatively, contact our Corporate Governance Team by email or telephone.

How we deal with comments, compliments, complaints and concerns

Our Policy and Procedures for Complaints, Concerns, Comments and ComplimentsDownload (known as 'The 4Cs Toolkit') is for 'individual customers' (residents and service users) who live, work, visit or travel within the City of York Council area and receive one of our services directly or through another organisation, including council employees who are residents and service users (not using this procedure in their capacity as an employee).

Find out :

Get help raising complaints or concerns if you find it difficult to do this yourself.

Read our annual complaints reports.

Also see


Corporate Governance Team

West Offices, Station Rise, York, YO1 6GA

Telephone: 01904 554145

Sign language interpreting service

If you use British Sign Language (BSL) you can access our BSL interpreting service when visiting West Offices, and when contacting us remotely.

BSL Interpreting Service
Recite Me accessibility and Language Support