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Travel and transport

Make a complaint about a taxi

To make a complaint about a York taxi or private hire vehicle or driver, contact our Licensing Team or complete and return our Hackney Carriage complaint form.

You'll need to provide a description of the driver and information about the vehicle, such as:

  • badge number (if possible)
  • licence plate number and colour (taxi plates are coloured yellow, private hire plates are coloured maroon)
  • vehicle registration number
  • vehicle make, model and colour

We'll acknowledge your complaint or request further information within 5 to 10 working days.

If appropriate, we'll send a further reply after we've fully investigated the matter.

Complaints about 'Out of area' licensed vehicles

You can report complaints about 'out of area' licensed vehicles operating in York, but we recommend sending your complaint to their home licensing authority as well.

Depending on the nature of the complaint, we may send it to their home licensing authority to deal with.

Complaints about dangerous taxi driving

If you see a licensed driver committing driving offences on our roads and it's captured on your dashcam, CCTV or a mobile phone by a passenger, it can be submitted to North Yorkshire Police’s Operation Snap team who have specially-trained staff that review all footage. If an offence is identified, the driver can be prosecuted or told to take a driver improvement course.

Examples of driving offences include:

  • dangerous driving
  • contravening red traffic lights
  • contravening traffic signs
  • mobile phone offences
  • contravening solid white lines

Other reports of bad driving, dangerous driving or road traffic offences committed by taxi drivers can be submitted to North Yorkshire Police by:

They will require as much information as possible about the vehicle.

Also see

Taxi Licensing Team

Eco Depot, Hazel Court, York, YO10 3DS

Telephone: 01904 552422