The Council Plan Progress Report provides an update of activity to deliver the Council Plan actions each year, helping residents hold us to account for delivery and to share successes and achievements for the city.
Annual Progress Reports
The Council Plan 2023-2027, One City for All, sets the vision for the council and the 4 Core Commitments that underpin decision making and service design.
The 4 Core Commitments are the outcomes that support delivery of our vision and guide our decision making and service planning.
The Council Plan has 7 priorities, with the 4 Core Commitment outcomes running through each.
To deliver our vision we identified over 100 different actions responding to the 7 priorities.
We know we cannot deliver all of these without working together to harness the city’s income generating and investment potential, rather than relying on our resources alone.
By working hand in hand with partners, investors, businesses, communities, residents and the voluntary sector, we can make the biggest difference, focusing on our critical priorities.