Strategy and Policy Framework
To help the 10-Year Strategies steer delivery over the decade ahead, we've developed a strategy and policy framework which shows how different strategies, policies and plans will together achieve ambitious goals articulated in the 10-Year Strategies.
The Strategy and Policy Framework is comprised of:
- the 3 interdependent 10-year strategies; Climate Change, Economic and Health and Wellbeing
- supporting strategies that respond to different aspects of these 3 core strategies
- policies, setting out objectives
- the policy context and action plans, describing the actions that will deliver the ambitions set by the 3 10-Year Strategies
The Council Constitution (appendix 1) sets out the policy framework and those plans and strategies that are required to be considered by Executive, who can than make recommendations and invite Council to approve the strategies.
The Climate Change Strategy and Health and Wellbeing Strategy are required to have regard to the recommendations of Executive. The Economic Strategy is part of the framework because the 3 strategies are so interdependent.
The Strategy and Policy Framework
The policy framework in the Constitution sets out the plans and strategies having regard of recommendations of Executive:
- 10-Year Strategies
- Supporting strategies
- Policies and plans
- The Council Plan
- Action Plans
- Programme Plans
- Council service plans
10-Year Strategies
- Purpose: Sets the vision and work with city partners
- Lifespan: 10 years (2022 to 2032), reviewed every 5 years
The Climate Change Strategy was approved by Council in December 2022 The Health and Wellbeing Strategy was approved by the Health and Wellbeing Board and Council in December 2022.
The Economic Partnership approved the Economic Strategy in November 2022 and Council approved it in December 2022.
Supporting strategies
- Purpose: Sets the vision and work with city partners
- Lifespan: 10 years (2022 to 2032), reviewed every 5 years
The supporting strategies respond to aspects of the 10-Year Strategies.
The Local Transport Strategy will be considered by Executive early 2023.
- Skills Strategy (2021 to 2031)
- My City Centre Strategy (2021 to 2031) Item 52
- York Cultural Strategy (2020 to 2025)
Policies and plans
- Purpose: Sets objectives which include the policy context
- Lifespan: 10 to 15 years: review points determined by Executive
The Local Plan is due to go to Council, following examination.
The 10 Year Plan was approved by Council in December 2022.
- York 2032: the 10-Year Plan
- The Local Plan
- Local Transport Plan (2011 to 2031)
The Council Plan
- Purpose: Sets objectives which include the policy context
- Lifespan: 4 years
The Council Plan is developed by Council officers, set by Executive to help determine the overall policy direction for the Council, and then subsequent action plans and service plans.
- The Council Plan, Making History, Building Communities (2019 to 2023)
Action Plans
- Purpose: Describes action
- Lifespan: 12 to 24 months
City-wide action plans that include council and partner commitments, with funded and non-funded activities to describe intent.
The Climate Change Action Plan was approved by Executive in November 2022.
Programme Plans
- Purpose: Describes action
- Lifespan: Reviewed monthly
Covers ring fenced funding programmes of activity.
Programme plans are considered by Executive or in Executive Decision-Making Sessions. The Capital Programme is approved by Executive annually in February.
Council service plans
- Purpose: Describes action
- Lifespan: Reviewed regularly
Provides an effective framework for delegated decisions.
Council service plans are developed in consultation with Executive portfolio holders.
- Service plans are noted in the Code of Corporate Governance (Principle C: defining outcomes in terms of sustainable economic, social and environmental benefits)