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Discretionary Housing Payment

Discretionary Housing payment provides extra financial support to help with rent in addition to Universal Credit Housing Allowance or Housing Benefit.

You can apply for a Discretionary Housing Payment if you're struggling to pay your rent and:

  • you have a shortfall between the amount of Housing Benefit awarded to you and the amount you need to pay for your rent
  • you are a Universal Credit claimant and the amount of the housing element is less than you need to pay for your rent

Your Discretionary Housing Payment application is not just about applying for financial assistance, it is an opportunity to provide us with a full picture of your circumstances so we can see if there are other ways in which the difference between rent and benefit can be addressed. It's therefore important that you provide as much information as possible with your application.

We cannot guarantee long-term Discretionary Housing Payment support, as the budget is set on a year-by-year basis and the number of applications varies due to changing economic and social factors.

The same application form is used to apply for both the Discretionary Housing Payment and the Discretionary Council Tax Reduction Scheme. You need to specify whether you're applying for one or both of these schemes as part of your application.

Discretionary Housing Payment restrictions

A Discretionary Housing Payment is not a benefit.

The Discretionary Housing Payment budget is limited and set by central government. We must make sure that the Discretionary Housing Payment budget is shared between all applicants, and that it reaches those who are in most need. This means that even though you might be facing difficulties there may be others who are applying who need support more.

If you have any queries or concerns with the completion of your Discretionary Housing Payment application, you can contact our Benefits Team to arrange an appointment to discuss the application in detail. If necessary an in-person appointment can be arranged at West Offices.

We may ask for additional information or evidence if necessary.

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Debt advice and assistance

Advice and support are available for residents who are struggling with money and paying bills.

The Money Helper have up to date information and guidance about your money.

Make sure you’re getting all the help available. Use a free independent benefits calculator to find out what benefits you could get, how to claim and how your benefits will be affected if your circumstances change.

You can also get advice and support from local services working across the city.

See more information about how to get help managing your money and appointing a third party to act on your behalf.

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West Offices, Station Rise, York, YO1 6GA

Telephone: 01904 551556

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