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People and communities

Current emergencies

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Current emergency situations

We are not currently dealing with any emergency situations.

Emergency planning

Visit the North Yorkshire Local Resilience Forum (NYLRF) to find out how to prepare for an emergency and local emergency services work together to help protect you, your community and local businesses.

If there's a major incident in York our emergency planning helps us to:

  • support the emergency services
  • keep main council services running
  • co-ordinate what voluntary groups do to help

Flood warnings

When there is a flood in York we'll provide assistance, practical support and information as soon as it is safe and appropriate to do so.

The Environment Agency's flood warnings are refreshed every 10 minutes - find out what flood warning symbols mean. Alternatively, if you live, work or have a business in a flood-risk area get flood warnings sent directly to you from Environment Agency's Floodline, telephone: 0345 9881188 for more information.

Emergency contact details

If you wish to contact City of York Council to report a current emergency situation, please do not contact the Emergency Planning Team.

You can report problems online using our eforms. Emergency issues will be dealt with as a priority.

Get information on how to contact us out of hours to report emergency issues.

Also see

Emergency Planning

West Offices, Station Rise, York, YO1 6GA
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