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The National Planning Policy (NPPF) states that 'flood risk' is a material planning consideration, and that when you apply for planning permission it is your responsibility to assess and mitigate risks by carrying out a flood risk assessment (FRA).

If a FRA is not received your application may be treated as invalid, and the local planning authority can refuse planning permission for development if the FRA is not suitable.

Prepare a flood risk assessment

Guidance on how to prepare a FRA can be found on the Environment Agency's website.

Strategic flood risk assessment

Our strategic flood risk assessment documentsDownload provide concise information on flood risk issues to assist planners in the preparation of the Local Development Framework (LDF) and in the assessment of future planning applications.

The strategy assesses the different levels of flood risk in the York area and maps these to assist with statutory land use planning.

It is also intended to be used by the public and those wishing to propose developments, as a guide to the approach that local planning authorities will follow in order to take flood risk issues into account in a sustainable manner.

You can also view our guidance on sustainable drainage systems for developersDownload.

Also see

Flood Risk Management

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