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Planning and building

Local Development Framework

The Local Development Framework (LDF) is the name given to development plans introduced by the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004. The purpose was to gradually replace existing statutory development plans with a portfolio of documents rather than a single plan.

Work was carried out towards developing an LDF for York between 2005 and 2011, but the documents weren't taken any further following councillor instructions to start developing the new Local Plan.

LDF withdrawal and the way forward

The Core Strategy Submission, 2011 (the principal document in our LDF) was submitted to the Secretary of State in February 2012, following consultations between 2006 and 2011. This was just before a new 'National Planning Policy Framework' was issued.

You can view correspondence between the appointed Inspector and City of York CouncilDownload, including the Inspector's initial questions, and our responses.

Following a letter from our Planning Inspector, we reluctantly recommended the withdrawal of the 'Core Strategy'. We approved the withdrawal in July 2012 and on 9 October 2012, Executive Members instructed us to commence appropriate steps to produce a new Local Plan which is fully compliant with the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) and other relevant legislation.

Statement of Community Involvement (SCI)

The Statement of Community Involvement (SCI)Download was adopted in December 2007. It sets out how we'll involve you in the preparation of all Local Development Framework (LDF) documents and in making decisions on planning applications.

It's still used in relation to how to involve the local community in the preparation of the new Local Plan.

Also see

Strategic Planning Policy Team

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Telephone: 01904 552255

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