- Acomb and Westfield Neighbourhood Plan
- Brownfield Land Register
- Deighton Neighbourhood Plan
- Development plan monitoring
- Distribution of Houses in Multiple Occupation
- Dunnington Neighbourhood Plan
- Earswick Neighbourhood Plan
- Elvington Neighbourhood Plan
- Fulford Neighbourhood Plan
- Green Infrastructure Guidance
- Habitats regulation assessment
- Haxby and Wigginton Neighbourhood Plan
- Health Impact Assessment Guidance
- Heslington Neighbourhood Plan
- House extensions and alterations SPD
- Huntington Neighbourhood Plan
- Local Development Framework
- Local Plan Evidence Base
- Local Plan Hearing Statements: Approach to Defining Boundaries
- Local Plan Hearing Statements: Housing Market Area
- Local Plan Hearing Statements: Objectively Assessed Housing Needs
- Local Plan Hearing Statements: Spatial Distribution
- Local Plan Hearing Statements: Strategic Vision
- Local Plan Submission
- Local plan examination library: City of York Council documents 2018 to 2022
- Local plan examination library: City of York Council documents 2023 onwards
- Local plan examination library: Inspectors' documents
- Local plan examination library: Other documents
- Local plan examination library: Statements of Common Ground
- Minerals and Waste Joint Plan
- Minster Precinct Neighbourhood Plan
- Neighbourhood planning
- New Local Plan
- New Local Plan Examination
- New Local Plan Proposed Modifications and Evidence Base Consultation
- Preparations for the New Local Plan
- Previous consultations on the new Local Plan
- Rufforth and Knapton Neighbourhood Plan
- Self-build and custom-build housing
- Skelton Neighbourhood Plan
- Strategic Planning Policy Privacy Notice
- Strensall with Towthorpe Neighbourhood Plan
- Subdivision of dwellings SPD
- Supplementary planning documents
- The Local Plan
- Upper and Nether Poppleton Neighbourhood Plan
- York Minster Precinct Neighbourhood Plan Forum redesignation consultation