Examination of the Murton Neighbourhood Plan
The Examination into the Murton Neighbourhood Plan commenced on Monday 13 January 2025. The Examiner is Andrew Ashcroft (B.A. (Hons.) Geography: M.A. Environmental Planning: Diploma of Management Studies: MRTPI).
Monday 17 February 2025
The City of York Council and Murton Parish Council has sent a combined response to the Clarification Note, to the Murton Neighbourhood Plan Examiner. The response sets out the answers to the Examiner’s Questions.
Tuesday 28 January 2025
The Murton Neighbourhood Plan Examiner has sent the City of York Council and Murton Parish Council a Clarification Note, with a series of questions. The City of York Council and Murton Parish Council will submit a joint response to these questions by Monday 17 February 2025.
Thursday 23 January 2025
The Murton Neighbourhood Plan Examiner, Andrew Ashcroft, has provided a document ‘Examination Arrangements’ to the City of York Council and Murton Parish Council, setting out the Examination process and key stages.
Murton Neighbourhood Plan Submission Consultation 2024
Murton Parish Council submitted the Submission version of the Murton Neighbourhood Plan and associated documents to City of York Council on 16 October 2024.
Once a Neighbourhood Plan is submitted, we are required to "publicise the documents submitted on our website and in such other manner as we consider is likely to bring the proposal to the attention of people who live, work or carry on business in the neighbourhood area" to be in compliance with the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations (2012, as amended).
The consultation on the submitted Murton Neighbourhood Plan documents took place between Wednesday 6 November 2024 and Friday 10 January 2025 (extended deadline).
This Consultation is now closed and no further representations will be accepted.
Representations received to the Submission Plan (all redacted):
- National Highways
- Coal Authority
- North Yorkshire Council
- North Yorkshire Police
- National Grid
- Natural England
- Historic England
- Private Individual
- City of York Council
We have produced a Summary of Representations
Background to Murton neighbourhood plan
Murton Neighbourhood Plan submission consultation 2024
On 12 December 2024, an updated version of the Murton Neighbourhood Plan Submission document was uploaded as formatting errors have been identified in the existing version of the Submission Neighbourhood Plan. The updated version does not introduce new wording or policies. Consequently, the closing date for the consultation was amended to 10 January 2025. All existing representations will be passed on to the Examiner and no further action is required from those representees (unless the organisations / people concerned wish to make additional comments as a result of the updates).
We consulted on the Murton Neighbourhood Plan submitted to City of York Council by Murton Parish Council on Wednesday 16 October 2024.
The documents we consulted on are:
- Murton Neighbourhood Plan Submission Version
- Basic Conditions Statement
- Habitat Regulation Assessment Screening Report
- Strategic Environmental Assessment Screening Report
- Consultation Statement
The following evidence base documents were also submitted for consultation:
- Appendix A Murton Parish Neighbourhood Plan: Its context and data
- Appendix B A brief history of the township of Murton
- Appendix C Murton Conservation Area
- Appendix D Murton Village Design Statement
- Appendix E Murton Parish: Census data
- Appendix F Murton Parish: Hedgerows and fields
- Appendix G Murton Parish: Local green space
Additional supporting documents:
In March 2014 Murton Parish Council wrote to us to formally submit an application for designation of a neighbourhood plan area.
This was followed by a six week consultation from 17 March to 28 April 2014. During this period, people who live, work and conduct business in the area were able to comment on the application and boundary.
Murton neighbourhood plan application and boundary was approved at the Executive Decision Session on 23 July 2015, enabling work to start on developing the neighbourhood plan for the area.
Murton Parish Council consulted on their Pre-submission Neighbourhood Plan from 6 April 2021 to 18 May 2021. This represented the first consultation on their draft Neighbourhood Plan setting out proposed planning policies for their designated neighbourhood area.