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Planning and building

Local Plan Proposed Main Modifications Consultation July 2024

We're developing a new Local Plan which will replace the current Local Plan; these documents are intended to provide a development framework for the whole city, forming the basis for planning decisions.

This consultation is taking place as part of the ongoing examination of the new Local Plan. Following the examination hearing held in March this year and the Inspectors’ letter of 7 May 2024 giving their views on the issues considered at that hearing [EX/INS/50], further changes are proposed to Policy H5 (Gypsies and Travellers) to bring the Plan into line with national policy and, following the Inspectors’ recommendations, for the Local Plan to be found ‘sound’.

Modifications are put forward without prejudice to the Inspectors' final conclusions.

Scope of the consultation

The proposed Main Modifications to Policy H5 are set out in MM5.23 – MM5.25.

As advised by the Inspectors, these Main Modifications are necessary to make Policy H5, and the Plan as a whole, sound. Specifically, the modifications:

  • ensure the policy is justified by reflecting up to date evidence in the revised GTAA and bring it into line with the revised definition in the PPTS;
  • embed an approach to masterplanning the expansion of the two existing sites as a prerequisite to the sustainable delivery of new pitches;
  • clarify the policy approach to delivery of new pitches on Strategic Sites and the planning application requirements

All proposed Main Modifications to Policy H5 and explanatory text are subject to this consultation and effectively supersede those presented in the Schedule of Main Modifications at EX/CYC/128.

Find the consultation documents and process or read the Statement of Representations Procedure and Guidance notes for further detailed guidance on how to submit your representations to the Council and what you must consider when preparing them.

Also see

Strategic Planning Policy Team

West Offices, Station Rise, York, YO1 6GA

Telephone: 01904 552255