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Planning and building

Copmanthorpe Neighbourhood Plan

We're consulting on the Copmanthorpe Neighbourhood Plan submitted to City of York Council by Copmanthorpe Parish Council on 29 January 2025.

The Consultation on the Neighbourhood Plan documents runs from Wednesday 26 March to 11.59pm on Wednesday 14 May 2025.

We're consulting on:

The following evidence base documents have also been submitted for consultation:

Additional supporting documents:

You can view hard copies of the submission documents at:

  • City of York Council West Offices Customer Centre, Station Rise, York, YO1 6GA (by appointment only - please call the Strategic Planning Policy Team directly on 01904 552255)
  • York Explore and Copmanthorpe Library during normal library opening hours.

How to comment on the consultation

You can submit your comments to us via:

  • Email:
  • Post: Strategic Planning Policy, City Development Directorate, City of York Council, West Offices, Station Rise, York YO1 6GA

The Consultation runs for seven weeks between Wednesday 26 March and Wednesday 14May 2025.

All representations to this consultation must be received by 11.59pm on Wednesday 14 May 2025.

Please state as part of your representation whether you wish to be notified of the City of York Council's final decision on the Neighbourhood Plan and we will send you a copy of the decision statement. We also need your confirmation that you consent to our privacy policy as set out in the Strategic Planning Policy Privacy Notice.

Why we're consulting on the Copmanthorpe Neighbourhood Plan

Copmanthorpe Parish Council submitted the Submission Version of the Copmanthorpe Neighbourhood Plan and associated documents to City of York Council on 29 January 2025. Once a Neighbourhood Plan is submitted, we are required to "publicise the documents submitted on our website and in such other manner as we consider is likely to bring the proposal to the attention of people who live, work or carry on business in the neighbourhood area" to be in compliance with the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations (2012, as amended)



Copmanthorpe Parish Council formally submitted an application for the designation of a neighbourhood plan area in September 2012. A 6 week consultation on the application and boundary received over 120 responses, all supporting the application which was approved by Cabinet in January 2013.

An initial pre-submission consultation was undertaken in 2014 and the Copmanthorpe Neighbourhood Plan has since been revised, taking into account the comments received through the consultation as well as further work on associated documents.

Copmanthorpe Parish Council are preparing a Neighbourhood Plan for their area. They consulted on their draft Neighbourhood Plan and associated documents in an informal pre-submission consultation between 2 May and 13 June 2017.

Also see

Neighbourhood Planning

West Offices, Station Rise, York, YO1 6GA

Telephone: 01904 552255

Strategic Planning Policy Team

West Offices, Station Rise, York, YO1 6GA

Telephone: 01904 552255