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Planning and building

Development plan monitoring

We monitor development plans to:

  • track changes and trends which may develop over time
  • check whether policies and plans are effective and achieving their aims
  • understand wider social, environmental and economic issues affecting the key drivers of spatial change

We have a requirement to:

  • feed into national and regional monitoring
  • to monitor our progress towards the Council Plan objectives
  • report to the public on local planning issues

Development plan monitoring

Monitoring is crucial to the successful delivery of our current and future development plan.

Authority monitoring reports

As a 'local planning authority', we must publish an authority monitoring report at least annually to provide information relating to our development plan as set out in Section 113 of the Localism Act 2011. We can decide what to include in our monitoring reports but must ensure they are prepared in accordance with the relevant legislation. The findings of the annual reports will help us understand what is happening in York and feed directly into any policy review that may be required.

Housing Monitoring Updates

We're publishing Housing Monitoring Updates as part of our authority monitoring reporting process.

View the latest Housing Monitoring Update for 2023/24 and our half yearly Housing Monitoring Update at October 2024.

View our latest annual monitoring report and those published in previous years. Contact our Forward Planning Team if you'd like further information on these reports.

Environment Assessment Monitoring reports

All authority monitoring reports must comply with UK and EU Legislation set out in Directive 2001/42/EC known as the Strategic Environmental Assessment Directive (the SEA Directive) which requires the monitoring of some areas of Local and National Government policy. These requirements are implemented through the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) and Sustainability Appraisal (SA) carried out for each development plan document completed.

UK Legislation is detailed in Regulation 34 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012.

The Directive requires that monitoring arrangements must be established to allow the actual significant effects of the adopted Local Plan to be tested against those predicted, and to enable appropriate remedial action to be taken if required. These arrangements are detailed in the sustainability appraisal report and are intended to provide important feedback on the success of the plan and progress towards delivering sustainable development.

Also see

Strategic Planning Policy Team

West Offices, Station Rise, York, YO1 6GA

Telephone: 01904 552255