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People and communities

Guildhall Ward

A map showing Guildhall Ward

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Your ward councillors are:

Your ward councillors set priorities and work to address them with input from partners and residents. They host ward committee meetings and events, and lead a team of officers and partners working in the area; you're welcome to attend to find out how local priorities are being addressed.

View agendas and minutes from Guildhall Ward committee meetings.

Ward surgeries

Ward surgeries happen:

  • on the second Wednesday of the month, from 2.00pm to 3:30pm, at Door 84 Youth and Community Centre, 84 Lowther Street, YO31 7LX
  • on the last Saturday of the month (excluding December), from 10.00am to 11:30am, at Hungate Reading Café, Hungate, Bellerby Court, YO1 7AF

Local Area Coordination in Guildhall Ward

Find out about Local Area Coordination helping you to stay safe, well, independent and connected to your local community. Our Local Area Coordinators directory provides further information about accessing this service in Guildhall Ward.

Also see


Shiona Marsh

Community Officer

West Offices, Station Rise, York, YO1 6GA

Telephone: 07923 232519

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