Apply to have a white line painted on the road (an 'H-Bar carriageway marking') to:
- discourage vehicles from parking across entrances to driveways and garages
- highlight a dropped kerb entrance
- inform drivers access is required
Parking enforcement powers enable us to issue a penalty charge notice (PCN) if a vehicle is parked across the entrance to your driveway, even if there are no yellow lines or an H-Bar marking in place.
However, an H-Bar may act as a deterrent against problem parking.
Request a new H-Bar marking
Complete a New H-Bar application form to request a new H-Bar carriageway marking.
Note that H-Bar markings:
- aren't permitted if yellow lines are already present
- are only provided if a dropped kerb exists to allow vehicle access to a private property
- are painted on the carriageway across the dropped kerb and 1 metre (approx) either side (this helps prevent vehicles parking too close)
- won't be provided on the opposite side of the carriageway outside another resident's property
You should also note that:
- we'll require written consent from neighbours if the dropped kerb extends across 2 driveway entrances
- you're responsible for the full cost of the application
Refresh an existing H-Bar marking
Complete a refresh existing H-Bar application form to have an existing worn or faded H-Bar marking repainted.
H-Bar marking costs
H-Bar marking costs are as follows:
- new markings: £160
- refreshed markings: £104
You'll receive an invoice if your application is successful.
H-Bar marking timescales
After you've submitted your application:
- we'll contact you within 10 working days to let you know we've received it
- contact us to check your application's status if you haven't heard from us within this timescale
It can take several weeks for us to paint a H-Bar on the road - ask us for expected timescales on application.