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Schools and education

Home education - key points

You may wish to consider the following key points when deciding whether to home educate your children:

Talking to the headteacher at your child's school

Perhaps you want to educate your child at home because you or your child are unhappy with their current school. It may be possible to resolve these problems by an open and effective discussion with the headteacher or a senior teacher at your child's school.

Talking to your child about education at home

You need to consider whether your child will be happy being educated at home; whether he or she understands what it will involve, for example, what work will be set, when it will be done, where it will be done.

The costs of educating at home

Consider the possible costs involved, such as books, equipment, visits, tutors, examination fees. We provide no financial assistance for children who are educated at home.

Having the time to educate at home

You must be able to devote the time to educate your child on a regular basis but this may take place at weekends, during normal school holidays or in the evenings.

Whether your child has Special Educational Needs

Remember that once your child has been withdrawn from school, the Local Authority (LA) has no responsibility to help you with any Special Educational Needs your child may have unless they have a Statement of SEN or / and an Education and Health Care Plan outlining any additional assistance required.

Your ability to teach your child

Although you don't have to follow the National Curriculum, your child will still need the appropriate range of skills and knowledge to prepare them for today's world.

Permission to educate at home

You will need to write to the headteacher to request that they remove your child from the school roll in order for you to educate your child at home. If you don't, the school are unable to remove your child and will therefore have to record your child as on 'unauthorised absence' and moves will be made to chase up your child's attendance.

Using suitable tutors to educate your child

It is your responsibility to ensure friends or tutors you employ to teach your child provide suitable education for your child's needs. It is recommended you stay at home whilst a tutor is teaching your child.

Part-time school education

This is called flexi-schooling. Flexi-schooling is an arrangement between the parent and the school where the child is registered at the school but attends the school only part-time. You will need the agreement of the headteacher at the school concerned.

Providing satisfactory home education

If the Local Authority decides the home education provided is unsatisfactory, we will contact you and advise you of the reasons. If the education remains unsatisfactory we may serve a school attendance order. This means your child will have to re-attend school.

Getting my child back into school

If you change your mind about educating your child at home, you can request a place in a school at any time. We will be happy to advise you on school place availability and any other questions you may have.

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Inclusion Services Team

West Offices, Station Rise, York, YO1 6GA

Telephone: 01904 551554