Simple things can help to make you more resilient and prepared for any emergency situations, such as:
- knowing where to meet your family if you can't get home
- having mobile numbers written down as well as stored on your phone
- knowing where to find relevant information
- having a 'grab bag'
Download a household emergency plan checklist, which contains useful information as well as space for you to record details which are relevant to you and your household.
Creating your household emergency plan
When creating a household plan, firstly, identify the risks which may affect you and plan for these, such as:
- fire
- major power outage
- severe weather
Make sure you involve all your family when creating a plan as it is important for children to have a basic understanding of emergencies and to know what to do if one should occur.
When writing your plan, aim to;
- identity possible exit and escape routes from your house. It's good to have a few alternatives is case a route is blocked
- agree meeting points to meet up with members of your family in case you can not return home because of an incident
- create your 'grab bag' (see the household emergency plan checklist for suggestions as to what to include in a grab bag)
- ensure you and everyone in your family knows where the stop taps for your water, gas and electric are
- think about what you would do in an emergency
- check your insurance policy is up to date and correct
- find out your local radio stations which you can tune into for the latest information during an emergency
- download our household emergency plan checklist
Remember to review your plan a few times a year with family members to make sure everyone knows what to do in an emergency.
Also see
Emergency Planning
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