Housing associations are usually non-profit making organisations providing a range of accommodation for rent, and in some cases purchase, including shared ownership.
We 'nominate' (put forward) tenants to many of these homes; register with us so you don’t miss any opportunities if you are looking for a home.
The size, type and location of homes vary from one association to another. Each association will be able to give you more information about their homes in York.
- 54North Homes
- Abbeyfield
- Accent Group
- Anchor Hanover Housing Association
- Anchor Trust
- Habinteg Housing Association
- Homegroup
- Joseph Rowntree Housing Trust
- MHA Care Group
- Places for People
- Railway Housing Association
- Riverside York
- Thirteen Group Ltd
- Yorkshire Housing
54North Homes
Affordable general needs housing in York. Apply to North Yorkshire HomeChoice as all available properties will be allocated by us.
- Telephone: 0345 521 1993
- Email: Hello@54northhomes.co.uk
- Website: 54northhomes.co.uk
Supported housing for elderly people in York. Apply directly to Abbeyfield.
- Telephone: 01904 704500
- Email: enquiries@abbeyfieldyork.co.uk
- Website: abbeyfield.com
Accent Group
General needs housing in York. Apply to North Yorkshire HomeChoice as all available properties will be allocated via the council.
- Telephone: 0800 731 2020
- Email: customerservices@accentgroup.org
- Website: accentgroup.org
Anchor Hanover Housing Association
Building and managing 1 and 2 bedroom properties exclusively for people aged 55 and over. Apply directly to Hanover Housing Association.
- Telephone: 0800 731 2020
- Website: anchor.org.uk
Anchor Trust
Provider of housing and care for elderly people in England, with sites in York. Apply directly to both Anchor Trust and to North Yorkshire HomeChoice as we have the right to allocate some of their vacant homes.
- Telephone: 0808 301 7246
- Online form: Anchor Trust contact form
- Website: anchor.org.uk
Habinteg Housing Association
Providing homes which are accessible to Disabled people and which facilitate independent living in York. Apply directly to both Habinteg and to North Yorkshire HomeChoice as we have the right to allocate 50% of their vacant homes.
- Telephone: 0300 365 3100
- Email: direct@habinteg.org.uk
- Website: www.habinteg.org.uk
Housing 21
Sheltered accommodation for people aged 60 and over in York. Apply directly to Housing 21.
- Telephone: 0370 192 4000
- Email: enquiries@housing21.org.uk
- Website: housing21.org.uk
Affordable general needs housing in York. Apply to North Yorkshire HomeChoice as all available properties will be allocated via the council.
- Telephone: 0345 141 4663
- Online form: Homegroup contact form
- Website: www.homegroup.org.uk
Joseph Rowntree Housing Trust
Providing general needs housing, care homes, retirement and supported housing in the York area. Apply directly to both Joseph Rowntree Housing Trust (JRHT) and to North Yorkshire HomeChoice as we have the right to allocate some of their vacant homes.
- Telephone: 0800 5870211
- Email: information@jrht.org.uk
- Website: jrht.org.uk
MHA Care Group
Sheltered housing in York. Apply directly to MHA Care Group.
- Telephone: 01332 296200
- Contact: MHA Care Group contact form
- Website: mha.org.uk
Places for People
Affordable general needs housing in York. Apply to North Yorkshire HomeChoice as all available properties will be allocated by us.
- Telephone: 01772 667002
- Online form: Places for People contact form
- Website: placesforpeople.co.uk
Railway Housing Association
Housing for older people in York. Apply directly to both Railway Housing and to North Yorkshire HomeChoice as we have the right to allocate some of their vacant homes.
- Telephone: 0800 028 7428
- Email: info@railwayha.co.uk
- Website: railwayha.co.uk
Riverside York
Provides general needs housing in York. Apply to North Yorkshire HomeChoice as all available properties will be allocated by us.
- Telephone: 0345 111 0000
- Email: info@riverside.org.uk
- Website: riverside.org.uk
Thirteen Group Ltd
Affordable general needs housing in York. Apply to North Yorkshire HomeChoice as all available properties will be allocated by us.
- Telephone: 0300 111 1000
- Email: customerservices@thirteengroup.co.uk
- Website: www.thirteengroup.co.uk
Yorkshire Housing
Affordable general needs housing plus sheltered housing in York and surrounding area. Apply directly to both Yorkshire Housing and to North Yorkshire HomeChoice as we have the right to allocate some of their vacant homes.
- Telephone: 0345 366 4404
- Email: customerservices@yorkshirehousing.co.uk
- Website: yorkshirehousing.co.uk