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Planning and building

Housing Delivery Action Plan

We have developed the Housing Delivery Action PlanDownload to help support and create new homes in the city. The new action plan identifies a series of actions and will ensure there is a council wide approach to delivering housing to meet local needs.

The action plan has also been produced as part of the evidence base for the Local Plan and to meet the requirements of the Government’s Housing Delivery Test.

Over the last 10 years York has continued to steadily increase its housing delivery despite significant challenges, including COVID-19.

In the five years leading up to 2020/21 we delivered on average 789 net additional homes. This was a significant increase on the 555 net additional homes delivered between 2011/12 and 2015/16. We are on track to increase this further.

Also see

Housing Delivery Programme

West Offices, Station Rise, York, YO1 6GA
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