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Schools and education

In-year applications for a school place

An in-year application for a school place is an application when your child is already of school age and wishes to transfer from one school to another. This may be when you are moving to York, moving house, or requesting a change of school for any other reason.

If you have more than one child of school age, it may be more difficult to gain places for both children at the same school, particularly if a class or year group is oversubscribed or if a place is required in Reception, Year 1 or Year 2 where there is a class limit.

We are only able to accept in-year school applications 20 school days before the place is required. We may require proof of residence for oversubscribed schools or where places at your preferred school(s) are limited. Residence in a catchment area does not guarantee the allocation of a place at that school. Places can be allocated only if there are available places in your child's year group or class. Please see below if you are applying for an in year application with a September start.

If you apply for a school place earlier than 20 school days before the place is required, we will reject the application and return it to you. You will then be required to resubmit the application. All applications must also be fully completed with the required information in order to be accepted.

Once we have downloaded and accepted the application, then we will provide you with an application decision within 15 school days from the date of the accepted application.

We recommend that all parents/carers consult the Guide for Parents before applying for a school place as it contains key information on school admissions.

For in year places for September, we open for applications from June, therefore for school places for September (excluding Reception and Year 7) you can apply via ParentPortal from June. We advise you do so as soon as possible as we have 15 school days to provide you with an application decision and be aware that school do close over the Summer break.

Our policies

Our in-year admissions policy and in-year admissions scheme detail how we process applications, and include information on related areas such as waiting lists and appeals:

We also have a 'fair access protocol', which details the way we allocate school places for some pupils including those with issues around behaviour or attendance.

Moving into or within York

You can apply online on our parent portal.

When considering your application, we look for a place for your child at each of your preference schools in turn. If we cannot allocate a place at your first preference school, we will then investigate the availability of places at your second preference school, and so on. If we cannot allocate a place at any of your preference schools, we may allocate the nearest alternative school to your address with places available.

If your request is for a school such as a voluntary aided or academy school that is its own admissions authority, or for a school in a different Local Authority (LA) area, we will forward details of your application for their consideration. This may take longer than usual, as the decision is not for the City of York Local Authority to make.

Moving away from York

If you are requesting a school place in a different LA area, you should complete an application via parent portal. If you wish to apply for a school which is out of the area and not listed on Parent Portal, please call the Education Support Services team on 01904 551554 (option 2) or email with the school details which you require and we will add them to the system to allow you to choose the required school.

Upon receipt of your application we will liaise with the LA(s) in which your preferred school(s) are located. We will then forward any offers of school places to you whilst you are resident here.

If you are moving out of the City of York area, we ask that you contact both ourselves and your new home LA, once you are resident at your new address. Your new home LA may then administer the application directly.

Also see

Education Support Services

West Offices, Station Rise, York, YO1 6GA

Telephone: 01904 551554