For all 'in-year' applications, additional information is taken into account when allocating places.
This includes if the pupil has:
- repeated suspensions or a permanent exclusion within the last 12 months at their current or previous school(s)
- if a school place cannot be allocated via mainstream admissions
The Fair Access Protocol
The 'Fair Access Protocol' applies to pupils who meet one or both of the above criteria and enables the local authority to consider which would best meet the needs of the pupil.
The aim of the Protocol is that all pupils are allocated the right school or setting as soon as possible after submitting an application for a school place. In consultation with other admission authorities for York schools (including voluntary aided and academy schools), we attempt to meet one of the parent/carers' preferences.
The following factors are taken into consideration:
- the number of pupils in the year group
- the number of pupils the school has recently taken under the Fair Access Protocol
- the parent/carers' preferred schools
- whether the school is within a reasonable distance of the home address
- transport links to schools with places
For Secondary-aged pupils, decisions are made on a monthly basis by the Fair Access Meeting (FAM), made up of representatives from the local authority and each secondary school in York.
For Primary-aged pupils, decisions are made on a half termly basis in cluster group meetings of the Primary Fair Access Meeting (PFAM), made up of representatives from the local authority and each primary school in York. Each cluster where a preference school is represented and the current school will discuss the application.
For Primary-aged pupils, discussions are made on a half termly basis by the Primary Fair Access Meeting (PFAM), made up of representatives from the local authority and each secondary school in York.
Read the current CYC Fair Access Protocol.