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Waste and recycling

Missed waste collections

Find out how we deal with:

See details of any known service issues or known missed streets:

waste collection updates

Missed household waste collections

If we haven't collected your household waste, check the following:

  • our waste collection updates page to see details of any known service issues
  • you placed your bin/bags in the correct place by 7.00am on your collection day
  • your bin wasn't too heavy
  • you put your bin/bags out on the correct day/week
  • whether our waste collection team left a sticker explaining there was a problem
  • whether your bin contained items not suitable for disposal in your household waste, which should instead be disposed of at a Household Waste Recycling Centre, for example;
    • asbestos
    • batteries
    • bricks
    • chemicals
    • DIY waste
    • electrical items
    • gas cylinders
    • plasterboard
    • rubble
    • soil
    • turf

Contact the Waste Services Team to report your missed bin:

  • only if none of the above points apply
  • after 4.00pm on your collection day
  • within 1 working day of your normal collection

If you report a missed bin, we'll collect extra bags of household waste during your next scheduled collection. You can put out additional bags equivalent to your usual bin size or black sack collection for example, a 180 litre bin will usually hold 3 black bin bags (60 litre bags).

See details of how to report missed assisted waste collections, if you're registered for an assisted collection for your household waste.

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Missed recycling collections

If we've missed a recycling collection, you should check:

  • our waste collection updates page to see details of any known service issues
  • your boxes contain only the correct items
  • your boxes were put out at your collection point before 7.00am
  • whether we have left a sticker explaining there was a problem

If none of these apply:

  • we can't return for it unless it's an assisted collection
  • you can put out any extra recycling at your next scheduled collection

See our guidelines regarding excess and additional recycling.

See details of how to report missed assisted waste collections, if you're registered for an assisted collection for your recycling.

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Missed garden waste collections

We can't return for a missed garden waste collection unless it's:

If you've subscribed to our scheme but your bin has not been emptied during your scheduled garden waste collection, first check our waste collection updates, to see details of any known service issues.

Next check:

  • you put your green bin out, at the correct location, by 7.00am on your scheduled collection day
  • your bin does not contain inappropriate or heavy materials (see: what you can put in your garden waste bin)
  • your waste is inside the bin, and the lid fully closed

In these circumstances, contact the Waste Services Team by telephone, to report your missed paid for garden bins:

  • after 4.00pm on your collection day
  • within 1 working day of your collection day

Once we've logged your missed collection, we'll return at the earliest opportunity, this could be as early as the next day, including Saturday.

You cannot report a missed bin if your garden waste wasn't collected because:

  • your bin wasn't at the correct location by 7.00am on your scheduled collection day
  • your bin contained inappropriate materials (known as contamination)
  • the bin was too heavy for our Waste Team to move safely
  • the bin lid was not fully closed
  • there was additional garden waste which didn't fit into your bin

In these circumstances, we will not return ahead of schedule. You'll need to put out your garden waste correctly for the next collection, or take your garden waste to Hazel Court HWRC or Towthorpe and Strensall HWRC.

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Missed assisted waste collections

If we haven't carried out your assisted collection (household, recycling or garden waste), check the following:

  • our waste collection updates page to see details of any known service issues
  • your bins, boxes or bags were in the agreed location by 7.00am on your collection day
  • your bins, boxes or bags weren't too heavy
  • when your bins, boxes or bags are due to be collected
  • your bins, boxes or bags didn't contain 'unsuitable items', for example: bricks, rubble, plasterboard
  • your boxes were not contaminated, for example: plastic mixed with paper or cardboard
  • you've paid for a garden waste subscription and your sticker is attached to your garden waste bin
  • whether our waste collection team left a sticker explaining there was a problem

Contact the Waste, Highways and Environmental Services Team to report your missed assisted collection:

  • if none of the above points apply
  • after 4.00pm on your collection day
  • for household waste - within 5 working days of your normal collection time
  • for recycling and garden waste - within 1 working day of your normal collection time

Once we've logged your missed assisted collection, we'll return at the earliest opportunity. This could be as early as the next day (please note: this could be a Saturday).

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Missed bulky waste collections

You're able to arrange bulky collections from your address for:

We collect bulky items on certain days according to the area where you live.

Contact the Waste, Highways and Environmental Services Team the next working day following the agreed collection date to report a missed bulky collection.

You can't report a missed bulky collection on the day that the collection has been agreed, as the collection crews may still attend after our contact centre has closed.

Once we've logged your missed bulky collection, we'll return on the next scheduled collection day for your area. This will usually be the following week.

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Missed clinical waste collections

You are able to arrange clinical waste collections from your address for bagged medical waste or for sharps boxes.

Contact the Waste, Highways and Environmental Services Team the next working day following the agreed collection date to report a missed clinical waste collection.

You can't report a missed clinical waste collection on the day that the collection has been agreed, as the collection crews may still attend after our contact centre has closed.

Once we've logged your missed clinical waste collection, we'll return on the next available collection day for your area.

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Missed streets and communal bins

If we've missed waste collections for a whole street, or for communal bins at a block of flats, this will usually be due to known:

  • service issues or
  • access issues

Check our waste collection updates page to see details of any known service issues.

We'll always try to revisit at the next opportunity (usually the following day) when an entire street or a communal bin has been missed. Make sure your waste is put out by 7.00am, after the initial missed collection.

Contact the Waste, Highways and Environmental Services Team to report a missed street:

  • if all properties in the street have been missed
  • if your street is not listed on the waste collection updates page
  • after 4.00pm on your collection day
  • within 1 working day of your normal collection time

You may need to wait until your next scheduled collection date if we're unable to return to collect your waste due to access issues, such as:

  • road works
  • badly parked vehicles

In this case, make sure your waste is not left at the kerbside - take it back in until your next collection date.

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Excess waste due to missed collections

Dispose of any excess waste, or waste resulting from a missed collection, at either of our household waste recycling centres (HWRCs) or recycle bank locations:

Contact the Waste, Highways and Environmental Services Team to report an excessive build up of waste due to a missed collection or access issues for a communal bin.

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Also see

Waste, Highways and Environmental Services

Telephone: 01904 551551

Waste Calendar illustration, with red 'tick' icon marking a place within the dates.

Check your waste collection dates, the types of waste we collect at your address, and where to put your containers for collection.

Waste collection calendar
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