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Waste and recycling

Waste and recycling

2025 garden waste season

Our garden waste collection season runs for 40 weeks, between early March and early December.

See further information about the Garden Waste Subscription Scheme.

Bags to Bins Scheme

We're changing the way that household waste is collected at a number of properties in York, moving from black sacks to wheelie bin collections.

About 5,500 properties will be included in the move from bags to bins. We'll write to all affected properties directly with full details of the upcoming changes.

Evening view of the River Ouse from Dame Judy Dench Walk

See details of our initiatives and plans to help the environment and meet our ambition for York to be a net-zero carbon city by 2030.

Climate change in York
Stylized illustration of a garden waste bin surrounded by flowers with a bee flying above and a recycling symbol on the side.

If you want us to collect your garden waste at the kerbside, you'll need to subscribe and pay.

Garden Waste Subscription Scheme
Waste Calendar illustration, with red 'tick' icon marking a place within the dates.

Check your waste collection dates, the types of waste we collect at your address, and where to put your containers for collection.

Waste collection calendar
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