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Planning and building

Our City Centre York

Our City Centre Vision is a 10 year strategic vision for the centre of York, which will be shared and owned by us alongside partners, stakeholders and local communities.

The Vision has 8 key themes which align with the city’s 10-year strategies and the Council Plan:

A view of York from the city walls

  1. Family friendly and affordable city centre
  2. An attractive, active and healthy city centre
  3. A sustainable city fit for the future
  4. Making tourism work for York
  5. Embracing our riversides
  6. A safe city centre which is welcoming and accessible to all
  7. Thriving businesses and productive buildings
  8. Celebrating heritage and making modern history

We're working with partners to draw up a delivery plan to make this vision a reality.

A vibrant city centre, which a wide range of people want to spend time in across the day and night, will create the right conditions for responsive businesses to grow and adapt, for city living to develop, and for cultural and social activity to flourish.

Our City Centre Vision

The Our City Centre Vision (previously My City Centre Vision) for York sets out a plan to help make sure the city centre continues to meet the social, economic and environmental needs of York, and its communities.

Whether it's changing consumer behaviour driven by technology, growing transport and environmental challenges, or housing demand, the Our City Centre Vision is an opportunity for York to lead the way; as residents, businesses and stakeholders, who, like us, care deeply about York.

Our City Centre Engagement

Our City Centre Vision was endorsed by the Council’s Executive in October 2023 following extensive public engagement.

Read about Our City Centre Engagement and how we listened to residents, businesses and stakeholders, who care deeply about York. You've helped us to design a vision which will create a city centre that you want to use and spend time in.

Keep up-to-date with Our City Centre York; follow #OCCYork on our social media channels.

Our City Centre York

Delivering a new vision for York’s city centre

West Offices, Station Rise, York, YO1 6GA

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