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Streets, roads and pavements

Roads and pavements

Out-of-hours emergencies

During normal opening times we deal with urgent problems within 2 hours; use our eForms to report problems.

To report an emergency (fire, flood, criminal act, or circumstances posing risk to public health and safety) that requires immediate attention 'out of hours' (after 5.00pm Monday to Thursday, or between 3.00pm Friday and 8.30am Monday), telephone: 01904 551550.

We maintain and repair public highways, roads and pavements. As well as scheduled resurfacing works, we can deal with reports of issues in those areas which we maintain.

When an issue is reported, we'll ensure that the problem is assessed, and made safe if required, before carrying out any necessary repairs.

Report a road and pavement problem

Use our eForm to report issues with roads and pavements. See which road and pavement problems we can help with and our road and pavement response times.

Report a roads and pavements problem

Our road and pavement responsibilities

We can deal with issues reported on:

  • cycle paths
  • kerbs
  • public pavements
  • public roads
  • speed humps
  • verges

We cannot respond to individual resurfacing requests; our condition and safety inspections are used to prioritise and plan road, pavement and cycle path repairs, based on the Code of Practice for Highway Maintenance and considering condition, safety and accidents, location and usage, affordability and budget. We take action when faults reach levels set out in our Highways Maintenance Policy; where possible we’ll carry out a permanent patch or repair. However, historic areas and surfaces such as stone, blocks or cobbles mean we cannot maintain perfectly level and flat surfaces at all times.

Map of adopted roads in York

We're only able to deal with highway issues reported on adopted roads, not on private roads.

Search the map by postcode or street name to see whether a road has been adopted. Adopted roads are marked on the map in green.

You can expand the map to view in more detail.

View larger map

An 'unadopted road' is a privately owned road. The people who own property adjacent to unadopted roads are responsible for maintenance of these roads

Our response to road and pavement problems

We aim to:

  • respond to urgent reports within 2 hours
  • respond to non-urgent reports within 4 working days

Also see

Waste, Highways and Environmental Services

Telephone: 01904 551551

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