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Making a Right to Buy application

We use the RTB1 application form to decide whether you have the Right to Buy and the discount you are eligible for.

You can get an RTB1 form from the Leasehold Management Officer and ask to have one posted to you.

You can also download the RTB1 application form and find more information about the scheme on GOV.UK.

Send us your completed form, along with the relevant property checklist and an additional information request form:

So that your application form is processed as quickly as possible, send your completed form by email: or post it using recorded delivery to:

Leasehold Management Team,
West Offices,
Station Rise,

If you require further information about Right to Buy you can contact the Leasehold Management Officer. You'll need to select option 4 for housing, and then option 4 again for Right To Buy, Leaseholders and Garages.

More information on the Right to Buy process is available on the GOV.UK website.

Right to Buy timeframes

We'll send you an RTB2 Notice, which tells you if you have the Right to Buy, up to 4 weeks after you make your application, or 8 weeks for tenancies shorter than 2 years.

We'll send you an S125 Offer Notice up to 8 weeks after you make your application for houses, or 12 weeks for flats.

The S125 Offer Notice will confirm:

  • the property value
  • the discount
  • the price you’ll pay
  • our terms and conditions

For leasehold properties only we will also send an estimate of service charges over the next 5 years.

If you’re not happy with the price the independent District Valuer from HM Revenue and Customs will then value it. After getting the final price, you have 12 weeks to decide if you want to buy.

You should get independent financial and legal advice at this stage, if you haven’t already. It's also a good idea to arrange a survey of your home by an independent surveyor.

We'll arrange to visit your home to complete further checks for your application, and carry out anti-fraud checks. For flats, the visit will also allow us to explain to you what it means to become a leaseholder.

If you decide that you do want to buy we can then begin the process. If you need a mortgage, talk to a bank or building society. You can also get free financial advice from the Money Advice Service.

Get more information on mortgages from the Financial Conduct Authority.

Responding to the S125 Offer Notice

You have 12 weeks to let us know what your decision is.

If you don't respond within 12 weeks, we will send you a warning notice. You then have 4 weeks to reply and we will ask you to:

  • complete the purchase within 8 weeks
  • or;
  • say that you disagree with the terms

If you don't reply we will send you an S141 Second Notice. If you don't complete or respond to this final notice your application is cancelled.

Also see

Leasehold Management Officer - Right to Buy

West Offices, Station Rise, York, YO1 6GA

Telephone: 01904 551550