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Schools and education

Transport to school or college

The transport to school or college online form allows you to apply for help getting to an educational establishment. For more information about transport to school or college, please see home to school transport policy. Alternatively, read our post-16 transport policy statement.

You can read more about:

Help with travel

While parents are responsible for ensuring students attend school regularly, we can provide help with transport to school, sixth form or college. We may be able to offer:

  • a school bus pass
  • mileage allowance
  • a taxi (in exceptional circumstances)


There are 5 different types of route through which you can complete this form and they are all based on different criteria. You can apply for a:

  • mainstream applications
  • special educational needs and disabilities applications
  • low-income applications
  • post-16 applications
  • discretionary applications

Students under the age of 16

Student's attending school will be eligible to apply for assistance with transport if they are either attending:

  • their catchment school, and they live more than 2 miles from their primary school or 3 miles from their secondary school
  • 1 of the nearest 3 secondary schools, which is between 2 and 6 miles from their home and their parent, guardian or carer is on a low income
  • the nearest secondary 'faith' school because of religion or belief, which is between 2 and 15 miles from their home and their parent, guardian or carer is on a low income

Students aged 16 or above

Student's over the age of 16 will be eligible to apply for assistance with transport if they meet all of the following criteria:

  • attending a full-time course (more than 16 hours per week) at the nearest publicly funded school or college that offers their course, or they're attending the school serving the catchment area where they live
  • aged 16 or over on 31 August at the start of the school year
  • are a resident in York
  • live more than 3 miles from this school or college
  • family are on a low income

The student can apply if living independently and is on a low income.

See our home to school transport policy for further details.

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Transport arrangements

Those who get help with transport will need to get to the nearest pickup point or bus stop; a door-to-door service is only available for students whose needs require it.

Help with transport to school does not cover work experience placements, ad hoc visits to other schools or colleges, out of hours clubs, or any journeys planned for weekends or bank holidays.

School journey times for primary aged pupils may be up to 75 minutes, and up to 90 minutes for secondary aged pupils.

Please note:

  • we'll assess each request and may ask for more information from professionals before making a decision
  • we only transport to and from the student's main address when travelling by taxi
  • we transport a student so that they arrive at the start of the school or college day and we collect them at the end of the school or college day; we cannot agree to specific pick up and drop off times beyond this duty

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Also see

Children and Young People Transport Team

West Offices, Station Rise, York, YO1 6GA

Telephone: 01904 551554