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Vote by proxy

If you're registered to vote but unable to go to your polling station on election day you can apply for a proxy vote, this is where you appoint someone to vote on your behalf.

You can apply for a proxy vote for a particular election, for example, if you are away on holiday. Apply for a proxy vote online.

If you wish to apply for proxy for up to three-years, you must complete a paper application form. These can be found on the GOV.UK website.

Some of the reasons for applying for a proxy vote may require supporting evidence. Please ensure that you read and complete all sections of the application form.

Your proxy must be:

  • a registered elector
  • eligible to vote in the election in which you appoint them as your proxy
  • not already a nominated proxy for the maximum number of electors (see application form for more details) 
  • on Polling Day, your nominated proxy must attend your polling station and bring their own photo ID, unless your proxy applies for a proxy postal vote

The deadline for applications to vote by proxy is 5pm six working days before Polling Day. Unless you apply for an emergency proxy.

Also see

Electoral Services

West Offices, Station Rise, York, YO1 6GA

Telephone: 01904 551007