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Health and social care

City of York sexual and reproductive health services provision consultation

The sexual health service in York is delivered through YorSexualHealth, provided by the York and Scarborough Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (the Trust).

The provision of free, comprehensive, open access sexual health and contraceptive services is a mandated Public Health function of local authorities, as part of the Health and Social Care Act 2012. Sexual health is an important part of public health and is funded via the ring-fenced Public Health Grant Allocation provided by central government.

The Public Health grant has not increased with inflation and, in real terms, this means this has reduced over time, creating a significant pressure on the budget. These inflationary increases need to match the budget available and to do so requires us to makes changes to services.

The current contract with the Trust was due for renewal in July 2024, and following Executive approval was extended for an additional 12-month period.

We're working closely with the Trust to review the service and its partnership, as part of the re-procurement of the service for the next 10 years.

In order to deliver the new contract, the Trust has identified that some efficiencies would need to be made to the service. These would be proposed to be done by a staged approach during the 12-month extension period, to ensure robust monitoring and evaluation.

Without prejudging the outcome of the consultation (and subject to contract), this could potentially include:

  • a reduction in the number of clinic hours the service is open for
  • a cap on activity relating to Preventx (online STI testing)
  • a cap on activity relating to LARC (Long-Acting Reversible Contraception)

The council and the Trust will then continue negotiations, due diligence and analysis and work towards potential commencement of a new contract in 2025 to 2026.

Download the City of York sexual and reproductive health services provision consultation overview.

To request a paper copy of the policy and/or the survey question contact the Public Health Team.

We're inviting people to have their say on the way sexual health services are provided in York.

Please review our proposals and provide feedback and comments. Your views are very important to us and will help inform and shape the sexual health services in York.

York sexual and reproductive health services provision consultation

Consultation closes Monday 2 September at 2.00pm.

Also see

Public Health

Station Rise, West Offices, York, YO1 6GA

Telephone: 01904 553866