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Benefit fraud

You're committing benefit fraud if you:

We rely on members of the public to report all suspected cases of benefit fraud and abuse, and we investigate all reports we receive. Any information you provide can be reported anonymously if you wish.

To report fraud, contact Veritau who investigate all suspected fraud committed against us, on our behalf.

Dealing with benefit fraud

We want to make sure those who claim Housing Benefit and Council Tax Support are getting all the support they are entitled to, whilst making sure the system isn't abused by those committing fraud.

To do this we:

  • refer cases of Housing Benefit fraud to the Department for Work and Pensions
  • refer all other cases of other types of fraud committed against the council to Veritau
  • make our systems and procedures as secure as possible
  • request the necessary proofs of identity in support of benefit claims
  • review claims on a regular basis

Fraud prevention and data matching exercises

We also carry out regular fraud prevention and data matching exercises to protect ourselves against fraud.

Fraud investigation data

See York Open Data for further information about the fraud investigation work we carry out.

Also see

Report Fraud

West Offices, Station Rise, York, YO1 6GA

Telephone: 0800 9179 247