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Our Big Budget Conversation

Stage 1: Corporate Improvement Framework

We're committed to listening to residents, community groups, partner organisations, and businesses; we want to ensure your feedback shapes the decisions that affect our community.

We invited you to share your valuable feedback about our Corporate Improvement Framework through our Corporate Improvement Consultation, which was the first of a series of budget-related consultations.

The consultation offered an opportunity to have your say on our Corporate Improvement Framework, which influences our budget-making decisions. Your input will help us make informed decisions that reflect the priorities and needs of our diverse community. We'll use your feedback to inform an action plan, and to help us identify budget savings.

This consultation closed on Sunday 23 June 2024.

Read the results of the Corporate Improvement Framework Consultation.

The Corporate Improvement Consultation background

Over the next 3 years we need to make significant budget savings of £30 million.

We can no longer deliver services in the way we did; our income has reduced over a number of years and like many councils, we're experiencing unprecedented demand on services, partially due to rising costs pushing more residents into financial insecurity, and partially due to our ageing population needing more support.

We're identifying these savings which could be from making cuts to services or increasing income through raising council tax, charges or launching paid-for services.

Read the Corporate Improvement Framework, discussed at Executive on Thursday 9 May 2024.

Get involved with our budget-making decisions

This consultation was your opportunity to have your say on our Corporate Improvement Framework which influences our budget-making decisions. Over the next few months, we'll be holding consultations and workshops to encourage residents, businesses and other partners to share their views.

Your input helped us make informed decisions that reflect the priorities and needs of our diverse community.

Find out more about our budget consultations:

Also see

Our Big Conversation

West Offices, Station Rise, York YO1 6GA
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Join Our Big Budget Conversation

Look out for Our Big Budget Conversation appearing on social media on our Facebook, Twitter and Instagram feeds. You can also join the Talkabout citizen’s panel

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