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Environment and animals

Energy and climate change

Electric Vehicle Hyper-Hubs

We have invested £2.2 million to develop Electric Vehicle Hyper-Hubs sites next to Monks Cross Park & Ride and Poppleton Bar Park & Ride into high quality, high speed electric vehicle charging hyper-hubs.

Through this project we partnered with the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) to deliver:

  • 8 ultra-rapid electric vehicle (EV) chargers
  • 8 rapid chargers
  • solar canopies with dedicated battery storage to support the energy grid during peak hours

Hyperhubs aim to boost EV charging provision within the York. The 'ultrafast' and 'rapid' chargers will significantly improve the speed of charging in line with the latest technologies, and help the region to support the next generation of EVs (which have significantly larger battery capacities and support higher charging speeds).

Electric Vehicle Hyperhub at Monks Cross

Also see

Carbon Reduction Team

West Offices, Station Rise, York, YO1 6GA