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Council tax

Current council tax charges

Your Council tax rates are based on 'valuation bands', which were set according to a property's value on 1 April 1991.

See information about understanding your council tax charges, or find out how to check or challenge your council tax band.

2025 to 2026 council tax rates

These council tax figures apply to areas of York not covered by a Parish Council (unparished areas), from 1 April 2025 to 31 March 2026; they include contributions for both fire and police services. Charges for properties within a Parish Council area are slightly higher because they include a contribution towards your parish.

Band Range of values (of the property in 1991) Council tax charges
AR* Up to £40,000 £1,199.41
A Up to £40,000 £1,439.29
B £40,001 to £52,000 £1,679.17
C £52,001 to £68,000 £1,919.05
D £68,001 to £88,000 £2,158.93
E £88,001 to £120,000 £2,638.69
F £120,001 to £160,000 £3,118.45
G £160,001 to £320,000 £3,598.22
H more than £320,000 £4,317.86

*The 'A-Reduced' (AR) band applies to people who live in Band A properties and are eligible for disabled relief on their council tax.

Adult Social Care Precept

Your council tax includes a charge towards Adult Social Care. This charge is known as the 'Adult Social Care Precept'; the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government have allowed councils to add this charge in each financial year since 2016. The charge will also be allowed in 2023 to 2024 and any subsequent year subject to the approval of the House of Commons. Download the Statutory Demand Regulation Amendment for Adult Social Care 2017.

Police and fire precepts

Your council tax includes charges towards policing and fire services in our area. These charges were previously known as the 'Police Precept' and the 'Fire Precept'. But have now been renamed to ‘Mayoral Police and Crime Commissioner precept’ and Mayoral General Precept (including Fire and Rescue Services).

Previous council tax rates

Get details of previous council tax rates and bands.

Also see

Council Tax appointments

To get council tax advice in person at West Offices, you need to make an appointment.

Make an appointment

Council Tax

West Offices, Station Rise, York, YO1 6GA

Telephone: 01904 551558

Council tax billing campaign icons showing a house, mobile telephone, payment methods and documents

We're sending out council tax bills during March; follow us on social media using #YorkCouncilTax for advice relating to your bill.