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039: South end of Westminster Road to Scarborough Bridge - Definitive Map Modification Order Register

Date application duly made
13 March 2023
Applicant name
Mr Clive Appleyard
Applicant address
9 Westminster Road
YO30 6LZ
Relevant Definitive Map
Former County Borough of York
York City
Nearby village and city
Location details
South end of Westminster Road to Scarborough Bridge
Location map

DMMO Register location map for 039: South End of Westminster Road to Scarborough Bridge.

Post codes of properties affected by application
  • YO30 6LY
  • YO30 7DN
  • YO30 6LU
  • YO30 6LP
  • YO26 4YT
  • YO30 6WQ
  • YO30 7DL
Intended effect
Add footpath
Grid reference start
SE 5934 5260
Grid reference end
SE 5963 5208
File status
In progress
Date determined by City of York Council
17 July 2023
Order made
Additional notes

Initially application was for Westminster Road to the riverside path but riverside path not recorded as PRoW.

Application extended to Scarborough Bridge and to Clifton Bridge to record as a public bridleway.

Objections received, to be sent to the Secretary of State for a final decision.

Officer contact details

Rights of Way Officer
Telephone: 01904 551550