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Parking and permits

Community authorisation permits and daily parking permits

Change of address or permit cancellation

If you change your address you must update this through your Permit Portal account.

A change of address will result in any current permits being cancelled, as your permits are associated with your address.

If you require a new parking permit at your new address, you'll need to make a new application through your Permit Portal account once your address has been updated.

You can cancel your annual community authorisation permit at any time through your Permit Portal account. You'll receive an email confirming the cancellation.

If cancelling an annual community authorisation permit you'll be issued with a pro-rata refund for any time remaining on the permit.

Once issued, daily parking permits cannot be cancelled and the fee is non-refundable.

Log in to Permit Portal

Address change and cancellation for permits issued before September 2021

The change of address and cancellation processes are different if you hold a non-digital permit, issued prior to the launch of the digital Permit Portal.

To update your address you'll need to:

  • register a new Permit Portal account
  • purchase a new permit at your new address

Your old permit will then be automatically cancelled, and you will be issued with a pro-rata refund for any time remaining on any old annual permit.

To cancel a non-digital permit email: requesting for your permit to be cancelled. Your permit will then be cancelled, and you will be issued with a pro-rata refund for any time remaining on any old annual permit.

Also see

Parking Services

West Offices, Station Rise, York, YO1 6GA

Telephone: 01904 551309